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Botox to treat clenching and grinding

Bruxism is the excessive clenching or grinding of the teeth. It can lead to excessive wear of the teeth and can even cause permanent damage to the teeth and jaw joints.

More common than it seems, Bruxism affects many people of different age groups including adults and children. This excessive clenching and grinding of the teeth can happen at any time but most usually happens during sleep, when patients have no conscious control over their movements and actions.

Signs and symptoms of bruxism:

- A grinding sound at night (Often noticed by someone who you share a room with)

- Tight jaw muscles that may sometimes feel sore and painful

- Popping / Clicking of the temporomandibular joint

- Damanged / Worn teeth

- Headache

- Rhythmic contractions of the jaw muscles

How Botox helps to treat Bruxism:

The most common form of treatment for bruxism is a night guard. Although effective in preventing and reducing damaged to the teeth and jaw, night guards might not be as effective at stopping bruxism at the source.

Botulinum toxin (Botox® and similar agents) is a neurotoxin produced by the bacterium Clostridium A. Botox is an injectable drug that can prevent muscles from contracting. It is best known for its cosmetic use. However, recent studies have shown that Botox can be used to reduce pain significantly in patients suffering from bruxism. It can provide tremendous relief from jaw soreness, headaches, and other unpleasant problems associated with bruxism.

By injecting small does of Botox directly into the masseter muscle, the muscle is weakened enough to stop the involuntary grinding of the teeth and clenching of the jaw. Voluntary movements such as chewing are not affected at all by Botox.

Although Botox treatment is not a cure for bruxism, it can effectively control the uncomfortable symptoms better than a nightguard for some patients. Botox used for treating bruxism typically lasts for three to four months, after which the patient returns for another treatment session.

For more information:

For more information on how Botox can be used to treat Bruxism, do schedule a free consultation with Dr Gloria Jung at our clinic! Find out how Botox can help alleviate unpleasant problems associated with bruxism.

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